The Borno State Geographic Information Service helps to map and secure titles to your land and property.
1. BOGIS understands the value of your landed property and once your property is registered in the BOGIS LAS (Land Administration System); BOGIS will then secure your land asset with the new “Digital Certificate of Occupancy”.
2. BOGIS helps your business opportunities by greatly easing and expediting land and property related processes and transactions in the State. This is by simplifying registration of property, easing verification of land documents and ownership status. This is because BOGIS is the only digital repository of all registered properties and subsequent transactions in the State. BOGIS will keep and archive electronic and physical copies of all transactions submitted for registration, easing historical searches on all registered properties in the State.
3. BOGIS helps you plan better by providing on request, relevant data including maps, various surveys and other geo spatial data and information.
4. BOGIS is your secured one stop shop for land and property data and information in Borno State. CONTACT US today.